1. Well forget it! I'm not doing it! This episode was badly written! 2. Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket. 3. No, sir! I'm gonna make something of myself. I'm going to night school. And one day I'm gonna be somebody! 4. If they get to wear the shirts, maybe I should wear the hat. 5. I didn't want to be the one to tell him, but with those narrow hips, that girl couldn't have more than 6 or 7 children! 6. A thousand innocent people get killed every day! But a millionaire's pet gets detonated, and you're marked for life. 7. There's been... an incident, in China. 8. What? You monsters! Why would you want to kill a poor defenseless little kitten? 9. I got news for you Mr. Brown, you haven't heard the last of me. You may think I'm shit now, but someday you're gonna be sorry you cut me. I'm gonna catch on somewhere else and every time that I pitch against you I'm gonna stick it up you're fuckin' ass! 10. So you think you've solved in fourteen days what they couldn't solve in two years? 11. Someone once said "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgement." 12. You listen. On this ship, you're to refer to me as 'idiot', not 'you captain'. I mean, you know what I mean. 13. Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. 14. When do I get to see the goddamn sailboat?! 15. Oh, please. That doesn't even sound like him! The President's an idiot, you don't sound like an idiot. If you don't wanna talk to your mother, just avoid me like usual, huh? I'll just throw myself in traffic. I'll just Saran Wrap myself to the bed and pretend my child is suffocating me... 16. What do you want for Christmas, Claire? 17. Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero! 18. He lets the last Hungarian go. He waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and then he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. And like that he was gone. Underground. Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. 19. Wrong. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever. 20. You are a total nutcase, completely deranged, delusional, paranoid. Your thought process is all fucked up. Your information train is jammed, man! 21. Don't move until you see it. 22. We are the United States Government, we don't do that sort of thing! 23. Not many people know what their life's worth is. I do. Seventy grand. That's what they took from me. And that's what I was going to get back. 24. Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile. 25. I was the East Coast distributor of "involved." I ate it, drank it, and breathed it. Then they killed Martin, Bobby, and they elected Tricky Dick twice, and people like you must think I'm miserable because I'm not involved anymore. Well, I've got news for you. I spent all my misery years ago. I have no more pain for anything. I gave at the office.