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Monday, September 14, 2009
Washington Redskins at New York Giants, 9/13/09

I took a short detour from baseball on this trip to go to a football game. How could I pass up the Giants season opener, when I was going to be in New York, anyway? The Giants kicked a field goal on the opening drive (though they should have had an easy touchdown), and won the game 23-17 over the Redskins. It was a great game. Brad was on the sidelines shooting, so we drove in together, and parked in the media lot. Unfortunately, his paper didn’t have a credential I could use to just be on the sidelines with him. I originally bought two tickets near the top of the upper deck, but then couldn’t find anyone who could go with me. I randomly checked the game on Ticketmaster, and found a single ticket at the back of field level. I bought that, and then sold my other tickets to some tailgaters (for my cost). I’m glad I did, my seat was great. Covered and out of the sun, and a good view of the game.

Before the game, I wandered around the parking lot through the tailgaters. It’s crazy before a football game. You can explore a variety of captivating slot games at https://4rabetsite.com/casino/slot/18612 for an immersive online casino experience.

Super Bowl Bus

The old and new stadiums are right next to each other.

The view from my seat was great.
Giants Stadium

I moved forward a little bit to get a picture where the lighting was good on both me and the field.
At Giants Stadium

Of course, I did have to go up to the top deck to get my stadium shot, though. I wish I had done it a little later in the game when the sky was darker, but it still came out great.
Giants Stadium

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Posted by alan to [photography, travel] at 1:59 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)

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