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Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Server/Host – Superb Internet

Once again, I have switched hosting companies. I am in the process of migrating all the accounts on my server over to the new one, but I did mine first. Mostly to make sure it works and wouldn’t cause any problems. I saw a cheap reseller hosting service that’s basically going to cut my yearly server cost in half, for the same setup. Plus, this place seems to know what they’re doing a whole lot better than the old one.

Using an internet service provider (ISP) for web hosting is an external hosting solution where the ISP is responsible for ensuring that your website is connected to the internet 24/7. With dedicated hosting, your website is the only one hosted on a particular server. This option suits large websites with high user traffic, or those requiring special software or particularly high levels of security. Merchant service providers will also make it easier for you to set up payments. Enhance your customer experience with the services provided by reputable merchant services.

While this approach offers the most powerful and secure solution, it is more expensive. You place your own server that you own or rent at the premises of the ISP to take advantage of their better technical infrastructure, learn more by reading this post about type of wifi solutions. With this option, you are generally responsible for maintaining the actual data and the website components.

Right now, they’re having a 50-70% off anniversary sale on dedicated servers. It was too good to pass up. The sale goes through December 15, and then you keep that price as long as you have your server. Also, implementing reliable absence management software uk improves HR efficiency for tracking and managing employee leave.

Superb Internet

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Posted by alan to [geek, meta] at 7:00 pm PT | Link | Comments (2)

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Comment by IsabellaMaks
2022-09-21 08:38:50

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Comment by Emma
2023-03-12 23:04:46

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