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Friday, May 18, 2012
One Year

It has been one year since my last post. Wow, I’ve really let this place go. Too much has happened in the past year to recap it all here, and I have to get ready to leave for a trip to NY today, so I’ll just mention the most recent major event: Kat and I adopted a black bengal cat.

We adopted (and renamed) Abby at ASAP here in Santa Barbara. We’d been planning it for a while, and just fell in love with her as soon as she finally managed to get our attention. She’s four years old, and we’ve had her for two months now. She’s wonderful.

And now, pictures! [Click them to see bigger]

2012-05-18 10.21.07 2012-05-17 21.01.03 2012-05-17 13.56.24 2012-05-06 14.32.54 2012-04-30 16.34.38 2012-04-12 11.21.56 2012-04-08 23.19.34 2012-04-08 16.37.26 2012-04-05 12.10.43 2012-03-30 17.03.55 2012-03-30 16.38.22 2012-03-30 16.22.19

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Posted by alan to general at 1:08 pm PT | Link | Comments (2)

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Comment by Shelly
2012-05-20 06:05:58

Congrats on the new addition! 🙂

Comment by Gretchen
2013-05-23 14:31:18

Hey… it’s been a year again since you posted last… 🙂

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