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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Full Tilt Poker

Hard to believe this is only my second entry this month. Basically, I’ve just been playing poker too much at parhaatrahapelit-netissä, and not had any time to write anything here. I’ll try to write more (probably all about poker, or maybe some daftar joker123), but I don’t know if I’ll succeed.

I’ve been playing a little bit for play money again, over at Full Tilt Poker, while it’s in beta testing. I’m sure I’ll put some money in once it’s ready to go. The interface is pretty good, and it has some nice features, plus it has a good lineup of professionals backing it (and they’ve been playing there, at least so far). If you’re interested in playing for some play money, you should check it out. I don’t know how the referral system will work, but I’m penner42 there (and everywhere I play poker) if you want to put my name in there. Start your winning streak with slot bonus new member 100 today!

A week and a half ago, I played in a $60 NLHE tournament, with first place getting a seat in a $1500 buy-in bracelet event at the World Series. I didn’t do all that well, but it was really my first live tournament. I busted out probably in the mid 50s (top 40 paid), but lasted over two hours, and was pretty happy with it. With the tournament entry fee, I got coupons for $30 in free chips in the live games, so it was really only a $30 tournament (and I made more than that back at $2/$4 afterwards). I will very likely be playing in it again this Sunday, even though I can’t actually go to the WSOP event if I win. It’s the same weekend as my brother’s wedding. Additionally, I’ve been dabbling in slot games like พีจีสล็อต222 lately, finding them entertaining and a nice break from the intensity of poker.

Now, one poker hand from this week. Not a bad beat, as I was behind the whole way, but a tough one to laydown (and I didn’t). Playing $1/$2 at Party, I get dealt QQ on the big blind. By the time it comes around to me, it’s at three bets, so I cap it. We’ve got four people seeing the flop. The flop comes KQJ, with two clubs. I bet out, get raised, reraise, and get called. We lose one player. At this point, I think I’m in the lead, because if someone had AT for the straight, they most likely would have reraised me. The turn is another K, giving me queens full. I bet out again. I get raised, and we lose the first player. At this point, I know I’m beat. I’m sure the guy who raised me (and the first raiser preflop) has pocket kings. I’m drawing dead, with no straight flush possibility. I call his raise, and then check and call on the river. He shows his four kings, and I show my queens full. I lost $13 on that hand, but still came out with a winning session. I’m guessing the guy who called on the flop had a flush draw, and threw it away when the board paired.

I love this game.

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Posted by alan to poker at 3:10 pm PT | Link | Comments (4)

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Comment by dianna
2004-04-21 19:51:37

Where’s this mythical poker blog you’re promising? heheh

Comment by Don
2004-04-27 13:06:58

I think this *is* the poker blog. 🙂

Comment by alan
2004-04-27 14:12:14

Yeah, I guess it is. I’m just too lazy to set anything else up, and this is working just fine for me. I just don’t know what to do with the domain I got for it now: http://www.damnriver.com/

Comment by joe
2005-03-14 12:55:08

HEY WHATS UP… THIS IS A KICKASS SITE AND I FIND MYSELF HERE READING AROUND ALL THE TIME…. i got it bookmarked so yea i guess im a geek 2 lol but o well mayb ill play some of u on full tilt poker … my names are i bluff_247 + RIVERratJOE

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