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Monday, October 24, 2005
Interesting Weekend

Saturday, I did some board gaming with some friends. Played a couple of games I had never played before, and a game of Power Grid. The first was a game with cooperative gameplay. We were all (except one, the traitor, whose identity was unknown and might not have even existed) trying to win together. It’s called Shadows over Camelot, and was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the traitor ended up winning, but it’s definitely a game I want to play again sometime. The other new game I played was Through the Desert, which is a very quick, fun game. I lost everything I played, but had a good time anyway.

Sunday was the Pokerstars Blogger Championship. I had already won my sweatshirt and hat from being chosen as one of the daily winners, and as expected, that was all I ended up with from the tournament. I feel like I played well, and was pretty happy with every single decision I made. Early on, I had a stack about 2500, and got crippled when actyper rivered a 5-outer on me. Instead of having 4500, and being able to play aggressively and push people around, I had 600, and had to pick my spots carefully. I managed to steal blinds from people sitting out for a while, and then double up with AQ vs Q9, and then double up again through Ugarte with TT vs AQ. I pulled a stop-and-go on the low flop from the big blind, and got called anyway. The blinds were big at this point, though, and I just never got anything from then on. On actyper’s final hand, I had AKs, but had to get away from it, as you can see from that hand history. I was card dead to basically blind and ante me off. My final hand I had A3s in the small blind, and just called all-in, as I had less than one blind. The big blind raised to protect my his hand, and I never improved against his KK. I went out in 354th. Pauly has a nice list of where all the poker bloggers finished. Congrats to everyone who made the money!

This weekend, I also got to set up my Polk XM Receiver. It’s pretty cool. Strangely, the best place for the antenna seems to be in my bedroom closet facing the wall. I also got my replacement Treo 650 from Amazon today, and everything seems to have restored off the SD card nicely. I think once the old one dries out, it’ll actually work again, too, but I needed a replacement before that happened. My new printer/copier/scanner/fax is awesome. I plugged it into my network, and am printing to it from both Linux and Windows as if it’s JetDirect device. I also installed my new 100gb hard drive in my laptop, and managed to get everything moved over to it without having to reinstall Ubuntu. As an added bonus, I discovered my laptop has USB 2.0 (not just 1.1 as I thought), and I have a nice portable 30gb drive now, thanks to this.

Overall, not a bad weekend considering how the end of last week went. (Oh yeah, the drawers I special ordered from Home Depot for my kitchen came in Friday – except they were the wrong size.)

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Posted by alan to [geek, general, poker] at 2:24 pm PT | Link | Comments (2)

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Comment by actyper
2005-10-25 08:28:16

See, I knew you were an aggressive player! 🙂

Comment by Wes Turner
2005-11-07 16:42:31

Interesting weekend indeed! I too had a good poker weekend winning $200 bucks. It was a kind of day I expected after getting good hands and nice draws. Like you I like to play every turn aggressively. Although I am not into bluffing, I make necessary gambles to lure my opponents into my trap. I am going to participate in a town tournament next weeek and I hope to do well.

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